home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 5 open4,4,7
- 10 sys700
- 20 .opt p4
- 30 *= $c700
- 40 ffd2 =$ffd2
- 50 getin =$ffe4
- 60 base =$a000
- 70 jmp start
- 80 lcount =*
- 90 .byte 0:eof =*:.byte 0,0
- 100 temp =*
- 110 .byte 0
- 120 col =*
- 130 .byte 3
- 140 fade =*
- 150 .byte 15,15,12,11,0
- 160 pretty =*
- 170 .byte 0,0
- 180 menu =*
- 190 .asc "[195][210][211][210] up/down [159]page [195][159] color [209][159] exit":.byte 0
- 200 prlen =*:.byte 0,0
- 210 prloc =*:.byte 0,0
- 220 page =*:.byte 0
- 230 curpage =*:.byte 0
- 240 border =*:.byte 0
- 250 backgr =*:.byte 0
- 260 start jsr $aefd
- 270 jsr $ad9e
- 280 jsr $b6a3
- 290 ldx $22
- 300 ldy $23
- 310 jsr $ffbd
- 320 loadfile lda #1
- 330 ldx #8
- 340 ldy #0
- 350 jsr $ffba
- 360 lda #0
- 370 ldx #<base
- 380 ldy #>base
- 390 jsr $ffd5
- 400 stx eof
- 410 sty eof+1
- 420 storzero stx 251
- 430 sty 252
- 440 ldy #0
- 450 tya
- 460 sta (251),y
- 470 lda 53280
- 480 sta border
- 490 lda 53281
- 500 sta backgr
- 510 ldy #0
- 520 sty 53280
- 530 sty 53281
- 540 jsr $aefd
- 550 jsr $ad9e
- 560 jsr $b6a3
- 570 ldx $22:stx prloc
- 580 ldy $23:sty prloc+1
- 590 ldx #23
- 600 sta prlen
- 610 lsr
- 620 sta prlen+1
- 630 lda #20
- 640 sec
- 650 sbc prlen+1
- 660 sta prlen+1
- 670 jsr figureit
- 680 lda 1
- 690 ora #1
- 700 sta 1
- 710 jsr videoin
- 720 lda #"[147]"
- 730 jsr $ffd2
- 740 lda #1
- 750 sta 646
- 760 lda #"[162]"
- 770 ldy #39
- 780 topline jsr $ffd2
- 790 dey
- 800 bpl topline
- 810 lda #3
- 820 sta 199
- 830 sta 646
- 840 lda #32
- 850 ldy #119
- 860 line2 jsr $ffd2
- 870 dey
- 880 bpl line2
- 890 lda #0
- 900 sta curpage
- 910 sta 199
- 920 lda #11
- 930 sta 646
- 940 lda #"[184]"
- 950 ldy #39
- 960 line3 jsr $ffd2
- 970 dey
- 980 bpl line3
- 990 lda #6
- 1000 sta 646
- 1010 lda #"[176]"
- 1020 jsr $ffd2
- 1030 ldy #37
- 1040 lda #"[192]"
- 1050 sigh jsr $ffd2
- 1060 dey
- 1070 bpl sigh
- 1080 lda #"[174]"
- 1090 jsr $ffd2
- 1100 ldx #15
- 1110 mainarea ldy #37
- 1120 lda #"[221]"
- 1130 jsr $ffd2
- 1140 lda #3
- 1150 sta 646
- 1160 lda #32
- 1170 ma1 jsr $ffd2
- 1180 dey
- 1190 bpl ma1
- 1200 lda #6
- 1210 sta 646
- 1220 lda #"[221]"
- 1230 jsr $ffd2
- 1240 dex
- 1250 bpl mainarea
- 1260 lda #"[173]"
- 1270 jsr $ffd2
- 1280 lda #"[192]"
- 1290 ldy #37
- 1300 ma3 jsr $ffd2
- 1310 dey
- 1320 bpl ma3
- 1330 lda #"[189]"
- 1340 jsr $ffd2
- 1350 links ldy #25
- 1360 linelink lda 217,y
- 1370 ora #128
- 1380 sta 217,y
- 1390 dey
- 1400 bpl linelink
- 1410 stx 251
- 1420 sty 252
- 1430 ldy #3:ldx #23
- 1440 clc
- 1450 jsr $fff0
- 1460 ldy #0
- 1470 smenu lda menu,y
- 1480 beq spretty
- 1490 jsr $ffd2
- 1500 iny
- 1510 jmp smenu
- 1520 spretty ldx #3
- 1530 stx 199
- 1540 stx 646
- 1550 ldx #2
- 1560 ldy prlen+1
- 1570 clc:jsr $fff0
- 1580 lda prloc
- 1590 sta 251
- 1600 lda prloc+1
- 1610 sta 252
- 1620 ldy #0
- 1630 showpret lda (251),y
- 1640 jsr $ffd2
- 1650 iny
- 1660 cpy prlen
- 1670 bne showpret
- 1680 main lda #<base
- 1690 sta 251
- 1700 lda #>base
- 1710 sta 252
- 1720 showpage ldx #6
- 1730 ldy #1
- 1740 clc
- 1750 jsr $fff0
- 1760 lda #0
- 1770 sta 646
- 1780 ldy #0
- 1790 sty lcount
- 1800 sty 199
- 1810 getit lda 1
- 1820 and #254
- 1830 sta 1
- 1840 sei
- 1850 getdata lda (251),y
- 1860 beq interupt
- 1870 cmp #13
- 1880 beq its13
- 1890 jmp print
- 1900 its13 jsr carriage
- 1910 lda lcount
- 1920 cmp #16
- 1930 bne getdata
- 1940 interupt cli
- 1950 lda 1
- 1960 ora #1
- 1970 sta 1
- 1980 jsr fadein
- 1990 jsr prinpage
- 2000 scankey jsr getin
- 2010 cmp #0
- 2020 beq scankey
- 2030 cmp #""
- 2040 bne cup
- 2050 jsr flipup
- 2060 jsr fadeout
- 2070 jmp showpage
- 2080 cup cmp #"[145]"
- 2090 bne chcol
- 2100 jsr flipdown
- 2110 jsr fadeout
- 2120 jmp showpage
- 2130 chcol cmp #"c"
- 2140 bne chhome
- 2150 jsr color
- 2160 jmp scankey
- 2170 chhome cmp #""
- 2180 bne chshift
- 2190 jsr fadeout
- 2200 lda #1
- 2210 sta curpage:jsr flipdown
- 2220 jmp showpage
- 2230 chshift cmp #"[147]"
- 2240 bne chquit
- 2250 ldx page
- 2260 stx curpage
- 2270 jsr fadeout
- 2280 jsr flipup
- 2290 jmp showpage
- 2300 chquit cmp #"q"
- 2310 bne chprt
- 2320 jmp quit
- 2330 chprt cmp #"p"
- 2340 bne ahwell
- 2350 jsr prompt
- 2360 jsr clear
- 2370 jmp links
- 2380 ahwell jmp scankey
- 2390 print jsr $ffd2
- 2400 jsr bump
- 2410 jmp getit
- 2420 quit lda 1
- 2430 ora #1
- 2440 sta 1
- 2450 jsr videoout
- 2460 rts
- 2470 carriage jsr $ffd2
- 2480 lda #""
- 2490 jsr bump
- 2500 jsr $ffd2
- 2510 inc lcount
- 2520 rts
- 2530 color inc col
- 2540 lda col
- 2550 and #15
- 2560 sta col:sta 646
- 2570 cmp #0
- 2580 beq color
- 2590 cwait lda 53265
- 2600 bpl cwait
- 2610 ldy #37
- 2620 lda col
- 2630 wcolor sta 1265+54272,y
- 2640 sta 1305+54272,y
- 2650 sta 1345+54272,y
- 2660 sta 1385+54272,y
- 2670 sta 1425+54272,y
- 2680 sta 1465+54272,y
- 2690 sta 1505+54272,y
- 2700 sta 1545+54272,y
- 2710 sta 1585+54272,y
- 2720 sta 1625+54272,y
- 2730 sta 1665+54272,y
- 2740 sta 1705+54272,y
- 2750 sta 1745+54272,y
- 2760 sta 1785+54272,y
- 2770 sta 1825+54272,y
- 2780 sta 1865+54272,y
- 2790 dey
- 2800 bpl wcolor
- 2810 rts
- 2820 bump inc 251
- 2830 beq bump2
- 2840 rts
- 2850 bump2 inc 252
- 2860 rts
- 2870 clear lda 53265
- 2880 bpl clear
- 2890 ldy #37
- 2900 lda #32
- 2910 wipe sta 1265,y
- 2920 sta 1305,y
- 2930 sta 1345,y
- 2940 sta 1385,y
- 2950 sta 1425,y
- 2960 sta 1465,y
- 2970 sta 1505,y
- 2980 sta 1545,y
- 2990 sta 1585,y
- 3000 sta 1625,y
- 3010 sta 1665,y
- 3020 sta 1705,y
- 3030 sta 1745,y
- 3040 sta 1785,y
- 3050 sta 1825,y
- 3060 sta 1865,y
- 3070 dey
- 3080 bpl wipe
- 3090 rts
- 3100 figureit lda 1
- 3110 and #254
- 3120 sta 1
- 3130 lda #<base
- 3140 sta 251:sta ptable
- 3150 lda #>base
- 3160 sta 252:sta ptable+1
- 3170 ldy #0
- 3180 ldx #0
- 3190 stx page
- 3200 apage lda (251),y
- 3210 bne ckrt
- 3220 rts
- 3230 ckrt cmp #13
- 3240 bne incpage
- 3250 jsr found
- 3260 incpage inc 251
- 3270 beq bpage
- 3280 jmp apage
- 3290 bpage inc 252
- 3300 jmp apage
- 3310 found inx
- 3320 cpx #15
- 3330 bne foundout
- 3340 ldx #0
- 3350 inc page
- 3360 inc 251
- 3370 bne cpage
- 3380 inc 252
- 3390 cpage lda page
- 3400 asl
- 3410 tax
- 3420 lda 251
- 3430 sta ptable,x
- 3440 lda 252
- 3450 inx
- 3460 sta ptable,x
- 3470 ldx #0
- 3480 foundout rts
- 3490 flipup lda curpage
- 3500 cmp page
- 3510 bne ghead
- 3520 jmp chpage
- 3530 ghead inc curpage
- 3540 chpage lda curpage
- 3550 asl
- 3560 tax
- 3570 lda ptable,x
- 3580 sta 251
- 3590 inx
- 3600 lda ptable,x
- 3610 sta 252
- 3620 rts
- 3630 flipdown lda curpage
- 3640 bne sokay
- 3650 jmp chpage
- 3660 sokay dec curpage
- 3670 jmp chpage
- 3680 fadeout lda col
- 3690 sta temp
- 3700 sei
- 3710 ldx #0
- 3720 floop lda fade,x
- 3730 sta col
- 3740 jsr cwait
- 3750 inx
- 3760 cpx #5
- 3770 bne floop
- 3780 fout jsr clear
- 3790 lda temp
- 3800 sta col
- 3810 cli:rts
- 3820 fadein lda col
- 3830 sta temp
- 3840 ldx #5
- 3850 sei
- 3860 filoop lda fade,x
- 3870 sta col
- 3880 jsr cwait
- 3890 dex
- 3900 bne filoop
- 3910 lda temp
- 3920 sta col
- 3930 jsr cwait
- 3940 cli:rts
- 3950 prinpage ldx #24
- 3960 ldy #17
- 3970 clc
- 3980 jsr $fff0
- 3990 lda #12
- 4000 sta 646
- 4010 ldx curpage
- 4020 inx
- 4030 lda #0
- 4040 sta 199
- 4050 clc
- 4060 jsr $bdcd
- 4070 lda #" "
- 4080 jsr $ffd2
- 4090 lda #"o"
- 4100 jsr $ffd2
- 4110 lda #"f"
- 4120 jsr $ffd2
- 4130 lda #" "
- 4140 jsr $ffd2
- 4150 lda #0
- 4160 ldx page
- 4170 inx
- 4180 jsr $bdcd
- 4190 lda #" "
- 4200 jsr $ffd2
- 4210 lda #"[145]"
- 4220 jmp $ffd2
- 4230 videoin lda #0
- 4240 sta 251
- 4250 sta 253
- 4260 lda #>1024
- 4270 sta 252
- 4280 lda #>$e000
- 4290 sta 254
- 4300 jsr copy
- 4310 lda #>$d800
- 4320 sta 252
- 4330 lda #>$e400
- 4340 sta 254
- 4350 jsr copy
- 4360 rts
- 4370 videoout lda #0
- 4380 sta 251
- 4390 sta 253
- 4400 lda #>$e000
- 4410 sta 252
- 4420 lda #>$0400
- 4430 sta 254
- 4440 jsr copy
- 4450 lda #>$e400
- 4460 sta 252
- 4470 lda #>$d800
- 4480 sta 254
- 4490 jsr copy
- 4500 lda border
- 4510 sta 53280
- 4520 lda backgr
- 4530 sta 53281
- 4540 rts
- 4550 copy ldx #3
- 4560 ldy #0
- 4570 sei
- 4580 lda 1
- 4590 and #253
- 4600 sta 1
- 4610 copya lda (251),y
- 4620 sta (253),y
- 4630 iny
- 4640 bne copya
- 4650 inc 252
- 4660 inc 254
- 4670 dex
- 4680 bpl copya
- 4690 lda 1
- 4700 ora #2
- 4710 sta 1
- 4720 cli
- 4730 rts
- 4740 printout jsr openptr
- 4750 lda #4
- 4760 jsr $ffc3 ;close file
- 4770 jsr $ffb7 ;readst
- 4780 bpl (NULL)ahead
- 4790 flash inc 53281
- 4800 lda 197
- 4810 cmp #64
- 4820 bne flash
- 4830 lda #0
- 4840 sta 53281
- 4850 rts
- 4860 (NULL)ahead jsr openptr
- 4870 ldx #4 ; file number
- 4880 jsr $ffc9 ; output to file #4
- 4890 lda #1
- 4900 sta pos
- 4910 sta wordlen
- 4920 sta endpflag
- 4930 sta retcount
- 4940 inc retcount
- 4950 lda #" "
- 4960 ldx #4
- 4970 stx line
- 4980 jsr repeat
- 4990 jsr leftmrgn ;position printer
- 5000 jsr setprt
- 5010 here(NULL)es jsr findword ;find a word
- 5020 jsr printwrd ;print the word
- 5030 jsr advcntr ;advance hi/lo pointer
- 5040 ldx 197
- 5050 cpx #10
- 5060 beq formfeed
- 5070 ldx endpflag
- 5080 bpl here(NULL)es;if not end then loop
- 5090 formfeed lda #13
- 5100 jsr $ffd2
- 5110 inc line
- 5120 lda line
- 5130 cmp #69
- 5140 bcc formfeed
- 5150 lda #4
- 5160 jsr $ffc3:dec 154
- 5170 rts
- 5180 openptr lda #4; file no
- 5190 ldx #4; device no
- 5200 ldy #7
- 5210 jsr $ffba ;setlfs
- 5220 lda #0
- 5230 jsr $ffbd
- 5240 jsr $ffc0 ;open
- 5250 rts
- 5260 repeat jsr $ffd2
- 5270 dex
- 5280 bne repeat
- 5290 rts
- 5300 leftmrgn lda #13
- 5310 jsr $ffd2
- 5320 ldx #10:stx pos
- 5330 lda #" "
- 5340 jsr repeat
- 5350 inc line
- 5360 ldx line
- 5370 cpx #61
- 5380 bne notyet
- 5390 ldx #10
- 5400 lda #13
- 5410 npage jsr $ffd2
- 5420 dex
- 5430 bne npage
- 5440 lda #5
- 5450 sta line
- 5460 lda #"[160]"
- 5470 ldx #10
- 5480 stx pos
- 5490 jsr repeat
- 5500 notyet rts
- 5510 setprt lda #<base
- 5520 sta 249
- 5530 lda #>base
- 5540 sta 250
- 5550 rts
- 5560 findword ldy #0
- 5561 lda 1
- 5562 and #254
- 5563 sta 1
- 5570 fw1 lda (249),y
- 5580 bne nonzero
- 5590 ldx #129
- 5600 stx endpflag
- 5610 nonzero sta wordbuf,y
- 5620 notret and #95 ;32 or 160 will zero
- 5630 beq aha ;found a space or shift
- 5640 cpy #41
- 5650 beq aha ;word buffer is full
- 5660 iny
- 5670 bne fw1
- 5680 aha clc
- 5681 lda 1
- 5682 ora #1
- 5683 sta 1
- 5690 tya
- 5700 sta wordlen
- 5710 adc pos
- 5720 cmp #76 ;right margin
- 5730 bcc short
- 5740 jsr leftmrgn
- 5750 short rts
- 5760 printwrd ldy #0:inc wordlen
- 5770 ptwd1 lda wordbuf,y
- 5780 iny
- 5790 ldx wordbuf,y
- 5800 dey
- 5810 stx nchar
- 5820 jsr checkrt
- 5830 cmp #0
- 5840 beq ptwd2
- 5850 jsr $ffd2
- 5860 inc pos
- 5870 ptwd2 iny
- 5880 cpy wordlen
- 5890 bne ptwd1
- 5900 dec wordlen
- 5910 rts
- 5920 rts
- 5930 incprt inc 249
- 5940 bne inprtout
- 5950 inc 250
- 5960 inprtout rts
- 5970 decprt dec 249
- 5980 bne deprtout
- 5990 dec 250
- 6000 deprtout rts
- 6010 zeroret ldx #2
- 6020 stx retcount
- 6030 rts
- 6040 checkrt cmp #13
- 6050 beq checkrt1
- 6060 jsr zeroret
- 6070 rts
- 6080 checkrt1 ldx nchar
- 6090 cpx #32
- 6100 beq checksp2
- 6110 cpx #13
- 6120 beq checkrt3
- 6130 checkrt2 dec retcount
- 6140 beq checkrt3
- 6150 lda #" "
- 6160 rts
- 6170 checkrt3 jsr zeroret
- 6180 jsr leftmrgn
- 6190 lda #0
- 6200 rts
- 6210 checksp2 jsr leftmrgn
- 6220 lda #" "
- 6230 rts
- 6240 advcntr ldy wordlen
- 6250 advcntr1 jsr incprt
- 6260 dey
- 6270 bpl advcntr1
- 6280 rts
- 6290 prompt ldx #23
- 6300 ldy #0
- 6310 clc
- 6320 jsr $fff0
- 6330 ldy #0
- 6340 ptprompt lda prompta,y
- 6350 jsr $ffd2
- 6360 iny
- 6370 cpy #46
- 6380 bne ptprompt
- 6390 spwait jsr $ffe4
- 6400 beq spwait
- 6410 cmp #" "
- 6420 bne spwait1
- 6430 jsr printout
- 6440 spwait1 rts
- 6450 pos =*
- 6460 .byte 0
- 6470 line =*
- 6480 .byte 0
- 6490 wordlen =*
- 6500 .byte 0
- 6510 wordbuf =*
- 6520 .asc "this is the print buffer. it's 41 bytes."
- 6530 retcount =*
- 6540 .byte 1
- 6550 endpflag =*
- 6560 .byte 1
- 6570 nchar =*
- 6580 .byte 1
- 6590 prompta =*
- 6600 .asc " [211][208][193][195][197] [146][159] to print [193] [146][159] [193]bort "
- 6610 ptable =*